4,700 research outputs found

    Managing urban socio-technical change? Comparing energy technology controversies in three European contexts

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    A {\em local graph partitioning algorithm} finds a set of vertices with small conductance (i.e. a sparse cut) by adaptively exploring part of a large graph GG, starting from a specified vertex. For the algorithm to be local, its complexity must be bounded in terms of the size of the set that it outputs, with at most a weak dependence on the number nn of vertices in GG. Previous local partitioning algorithms find sparse cuts using random walks and personalized PageRank. In this paper, we introduce a randomized local partitioning algorithm that finds a sparse cut by simulating the {\em volume-biased evolving set process}, which is a Markov chain on sets of vertices. We prove that for any set of vertices AA that has conductance at most ϕ\phi, for at least half of the starting vertices in AA our algorithm will output (with probability at least half), a set of conductance O(ϕ1/2log1/2n)O(\phi^{1/2} \log^{1/2} n). We prove that for a given run of the algorithm, the expected ratio between its computational complexity and the volume of the set that it outputs is O(ϕ1/2polylog(n))O(\phi^{-1/2} polylog(n)). In comparison, the best previous local partitioning algorithm, due to Andersen, Chung, and Lang, has the same approximation guarantee, but a larger ratio of O(ϕ1polylog(n))O(\phi^{-1} polylog(n)) between the complexity and output volume. Using our local partitioning algorithm as a subroutine, we construct a fast algorithm for finding balanced cuts. Given a fixed value of ϕ\phi, the resulting algorithm has complexity O((m+nϕ1/2)polylog(n))O((m+n\phi^{-1/2}) polylog(n)) and returns a cut with conductance O(ϕ1/2log1/2n)O(\phi^{1/2} \log^{1/2} n) and volume at least vϕ/2v_{\phi}/2, where vϕv_{\phi} is the largest volume of any set with conductance at most ϕ\phi.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    A method for solving the nonsimilar laminar boundary-layer equations including foreign gas injection

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    Solving nonsimilar laminar boundary layer equations including foreign gas injectio

    Zika Virus: Can Artificial Contraception Be Condoned?

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    As the Zika virus pandemic continues to bring worry and fear to health officials and medical scientists, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have recommended that residents of the Zika-infected countries, e.g., Brazil, and those who have traveled to the area should delay having babies which may involve artificial contraceptive, particularly condom. This preventive policy, however, is seemingly at odds with the Roman Catholic Church’s position on the contraceptive. As least since the promulgation of Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical, Humanae Vitae, the Church has explicitly condemned artificial birth control as intrinsic evil. However, the current pontiff, Pope Francis, during his recent visit to Latin America, remarked that the use of artificial contraception may not be in contradiction to the teaching of Humanae Vitae while drawing a parallel between the current Zika Crisis and the 1960’s Belgian Congo Nun Controversy. The pope mentioned that the traditional ethical principle of the lesser of two evils may be the doctrine that justified the exceptions. The authors of this paper attempt to expand the theological rationale of the pope’s suggestion. In so doing, the authors rely on casuistical reasoning as an analytic tool that compares the Belgian Congo Nun case and the given Zika case, and suggest that the former is highly similar to, if not the same as, the latter in terms of normative moral feature. That is, in both cases the use of artificial contraception is theologically justified in reference to the criteria that the doctrine of the lesser of two evils requires. The authors wish that the paper would provide a solid theological-ethical ground based on which condom-use as the most immediate and effective preventive measure can be recommended in numerous Catholic hospitals as well as among Catholic communities in the world, particularly the most Zika-affected and largest Catholic community in the world, Brazil – 123 million present Brazilian citizens are reported to be Roman Catholic

    Galilean and Dynamical Invariance of Entanglement in Particle Scattering

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    Particle systems admit a variety of tensor product structures (TPSs) depending on the algebra of observables chosen for analysis. Global symmetry transformations and dynamical transformations may be resolved into local unitary operators with respect to certain TPSs and not with respect to others. Symmetry-invariant and dynamical-invariant TPSs are defined and various notions of entanglement are considered for scattering states.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; v.3 has typos corrected, a new reference, and a revised conclusio

    Integrated control system for a gas turbine engine

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    A control system for a turbofan engine receives signals from a number of engine sensors and from the engine operator, and generates control signals. One control signal regulates the fan exhaust nozzle area in order to control inlet throat Mach number to maintain a low level of engine noise. Additional control signals regulate fuel flow to control engine thrust and fan pitch to control fan speed. A number of schedules are utilized to maintain a predetermined relationship between the controlled parameters and a number of fixed and calculated limits can override the control signals to prevent unsatisfactory engine performance

    Solar array construction

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    An interconnect tab on each cell of a first set of circular solar cells connects that cell in series with an adjacent cell in the set. This set of cells is arranged in alternate columns and rows of an array and a second set of similar cells is arranged in the remaining alternate columns and rows of the array. Three interconnect tabs on each solar cell of the said second set are employed to connect the cells of the second set to one another, in series and to connect the cells of the second set to those of the first set in parallel. Some tabs (making parallel connections) connect the same surface regions of adjacent cells to one another and others (making series connections) connect a surface region of one cell to the opposite surface region of an adjacent cell; however, the tabs are so positioned that the array may be easily assembled by depositing the cells in a certain sequence and in proper orientation

    Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Lift Characteristics of an NACA 27-212 Airfoil Equipped with Two Types of Flap, Special Report

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    An investigation has been made in the NACA 7- by 10-foot wind tunnel of a large chord NACA 27-212 airfoil with a 20% chord split flap and with two arrangements of a 25.66% chord slotted flap to determine the section lift characteristics as affected by flap deflection for the split flap and as affected by flap deflection, flap position, and slot shape for the slotted flap. For the two arrangements of the slotted flap, the flap positions for maximum section lift are given. Comparable data on the NACA 23012 airfoil equipped with similar flaps are also given. On the basis of maximum section lift coefficient, the slotted flap with an easy slot entry was slightly better than either the split flap or the slotted flap with a sharp slot entry. With both types of flap the decrease in the angle of attack, for maximum section lift coefficient, with flap deflection is large for the NACA 27-212 airfoil as compared with the NACA 23012 airfoil. Also with both flaps, the maximum section lift coefficient obtained with flaps is much lower for the NACA 27-212 airfoil than for the NACA 23012 airfoil

    Spectra of comet P/Halley at R = 4 - 8 AU

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    Spectra of Comet Halley (lambda lambda = 3400-6500 A) were acquired at pre- and post-perihelion distances of 4.8 AU on 1985 Feb. 17 (Coma V equals 18.9 mag) and 1987 Feb. 1 (coma V = 15.9 mag) using the 4.5-m Multiple-Mirror Telescope (MMT) and the CTIO 4.0-m telescope, respectively. The CN(0,0) violet system band flux at 4.8 AU was approx. 15 times greater at the post-perhelion phase compared to pre-perihelion. Additional post-perihelion spectra, obtained on 1986 Nov. 28 to 30 with the MTT, showed CN(0,0) and very weak C3 4040 A emission. The MMT data are one-dimensional spectra (aperture: 5 arc sec diameter) obtained with an intensified Reticon while the CTIO data are two-dimensional spectra (slit length = 280 arc sec) obtained with a 2D-Frutti photon counting system. Extended CN(0,0) emission was detected in the 1987 Feb. 1 (at 4.8 AU) spectra to a distance of at least 70 arc sec in the solar and anti-solar directions. Additional CCD spectra obtained with the KPNO 2.2-meter telescope on 1988 Feb. 20 (at 7.9 AU) show scattered solar continuum approx. 32 arc sec diameter. However, no emission features were detected at 7.9 AU

    Comprehensive User Engagement Sites (CUES) in Philadelphia: A Constructive Proposal

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    This paper is a study about Philadelphia’s comprehensive user engagement sites (CUESs) as the authors address and examine issues related to the upcoming implementation of a CUES while seeking solutions for its disputed questions and plans. Beginning with the federal drug schedules, the authors visit some of the medical and public health issues vis-à-vis safe injection facilities (SIFs). Insite, a successful Canadian SIF, has been thoroughly researched as it represents a paradigm for which a Philadelphia CUES can expand upon. Also, the existing criticisms against SIFs are revisited while critically unpackaged and responded to in favor of the establishment. In the main section, the authors propose the layout and services of the upcoming CUES, much of which would be in congruent to Vancouver’s Insite. On the other hand, the CUES would be distinct from Insite, as the authors emphasize, in that it will offer an information center run by individuals in recovery and place additional emphasis on early education for young healthcare professionals by providing them a platform to work at the site. The paper will also briefly investigate the implementation of a CUES site under an ethical scope of the Harm Reduction Theory. Lastly, the authors recommend some strategic plans that the Philadelphia City government may consider employing at this crucial stage